Our Courses

DiversiProLearning has designed courses and trained adult learners in Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism for more than 20 years. As we convert our extensive course offerings to our new self-paced, online format on DiversiProLearning.com, new courses will become available on a regular basis in response to learner requests. Please contact us to discuss creating customized training modules or other strategies for organizational development.

IDEA Fundamentals


We designed this course to give you a foundational understanding of the key concepts and practices related to IDEA—Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion—in the workplace. At DiversiPro we use the acronym IDEA to mean Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism because we believe Anti-Racism must be a central part of the effort to create inclusive, diverse and equitable workplaces. During our time together you will:

  • Develop an understanding of each component of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and
  • Explore practices related to IDEA in key areas of your organization.
  • Reflect on your area of influence and what you can do to advance IDEA.

We want you to be more effective at discussing and engaging in IDEA-related contexts. This course will give you a solid foundation of knowledge to build on, as well as practical skills you can readily apply and further develop through your daily life and work experiences.

CAL Coaching

Have you ever been inspired to do something after listening to an amazing speaker; after reading a book; or attending a workshop only to see that energy fizzle out as your demanding schedule takes over? Have you wished you had a safe and non-judgmental space to ask anything about IDEA issues, to test-drive ideas and get insight on complex scenarios, trusting you’ll be given kind but honest and highly practical feedback? Coaching has proven to be a powerful tool that helps individuals, including emerging and experienced leaders hone their IDEA skills, turning their aspirations into results. 

Let’s Connect! 

Choose your IDEA path...
Start Your IDEA Journey.

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